Data Structure Project 1
Deadline: Apr 28, 23:59
This project requires students to compare five sorting algorithms, which are “Bubble Sort”,
“Insertion Sort”, “Merge Sort”, “Quick Sort”, and “Heap Sort” in the aspect of time
complexity, best&worst case scenario.
1. Implement the five sorting algorithms based on the skeleton code provided.
2. Compare the running time of five sorting algorithms, and fill the following table:
t 3 4 5 6 … 14 15 16 17
where each cell in the table denotes the running time (recorded by C++ timer) given the
input size (number of elements in the list to be sorted) 2t
. For example, at column “17”,
each soring algorithm should sort the list containing 217
random integers. Note: in order to
be fairness to all the sorting algorithms, the input random integer list should be the same.
3. Use “t” as X-axis and running time (value in each cell in above table) as Y-axis, plot all
the points and sketch the curve (You may do this by Excel) for each sorting
algorithms. Draw all five curves in one X-Y coordinate plane. Compare the five curves
and explain the reason.
4. Describe the best/worst case and the corresponding time complexity of each sorting
algorithm. You may fill the tables below:
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